Well, you already know I went to Creation. That's pretty much the only "big" thing I'm doing. I had a birthday, with a very nice party, courtesy of my sweet husband, and breakfast in bed, courtesy of my awesome daughters. I've cleaned the house a jillion times, sorted through the forty kabillion pictures on my computer (still not done yet, but holy crap is that a big job!), gone through the stacks and stacks of homeschooling stuff I have, mowed the lawn once (yes, the lawn's only been mowed ONCE since Creation), been to the beach a few times, and worked out some.
I don't have photographic evidence of the last, but I actually did it. Working out five days a week is the deal I made with myself for the month of August. I've also started the South Beach Diet (in week 2 right now, although I had a REALLY bad day, diet-wise, yesterday).
That's pretty much it so far. I'm looking SO forward to Labor Day weekend; some Creation friends are coming down/up/out for the 2nd Annual Labor Day Weekend Bender House Creation Reunion Gathering (wouldn't it be AWESOME if that made a pronounce-able acronym? Sadly, no.).
My boy Micah will be five next weekend and I need to figure out what we're doing for a party. I'm such a procrastinator. (Also, as I went through these pictures, I remembered a few more things: Katie lost both her front teeth! The kids had two weeks of swimming lessons, and Katie went to a summer reading program.)
Here are some photos:

Jon and Daddy lounging in the best. chairs. ever.

Chloe holding Baby Alex at my party.

Chloe, Katie and Jessica performed some tricks for us

The "other Abbie", as my kids call her.

Mom and DeAnn serve cake

No idea what he's doing here.

Jess looking pensive (she's 12)

My breakfast in bed on Monday morning. It should be noted that Katie did this all herself (the coffeepot had been prepped the night before). The tray was still sticky from the watermelon on it the day before, but I think that's pretty impressive for six years old.

Abbie: Hey, Mama, can I have a strawberry?
Katie: Abbie, STOP! THAT'S MOMMY'S BREAKFAST! (shrieking ensues)

Notice she DOES have one of my strawberries.

My three little monkeys.

My girls took Tina and I out for dinner.

What's the cheese for?


I love this kid.

They were digging for sandcrabs; I love this picture.

My favorite hairdo on Abbie.

Watch out for the hole!

Micah at swimming lessons.

Abbie at swimming lessons.
Great pictures. And, I can attest that those are the most comfortable lounge chairs ever. :)
Thanks for the pics... I sure do love those kiddos!
Love the pics-- especially the three little monkeys one...
seriously cute kiddos! micah is jon reincarnated. happy belated birthday!!
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