One of the things about homeschooling is that we (oh, no!) don't have regular, horribly-posed, bad-backgrounded pictures to display on our walls. Still, I wanted to start regularly documenting our kids' growth through school. Our friend Israel, as I may have mentioned a time or five hundred, is an exceptional photographer, and really loves our kids. So I asked him to do a "school pictures photo shoot" for us before he goes away to college next weekend. :( We met him up at the north end of Roanoke Island, with the kiddos dressed up and armed with extra outfits. I think we got some great shots! (I took a few of them, too, but his are better.)

Israel helping Abbie figure out where to put her hands

My pretty girlys.

Sassy girl

I snapped this when I PROBABLY should have been telling her to get the heck away from the edge.

She had to be jollied out of a "mood" to pose in her gymnastics outfit. I'm pretty sure I had just made a poot joke right before this. Gets 'em every time.

How'd my kid get so BIG?

Israel had her holding an invisible bat because I couldn't find the real one. (Bad mommy!)

Not too into T-ball, my boy.

She won't smile with her toothlessness!

All three being cheesy (can you tell it was bright? Poor Micah.).

She looks like my sister Melody to me.

I love this guy.

Cap and gown (for PRE-SCHOOL. Good grief.)

More of the poot jokes, I'm sure.
GORGEOUS! Your children are beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pics with us.
I love the pics-- thanks for posting them... Man, are your kids getting big!
a. The kids are gorgeous. Micah and Abbie look so much like Jon, and Katie so much like you, it's unbelievable!
b. Did you make the girls dresses? They are so stinkin' cute!!!
c. I miss you.
Just when I think they couldn't get any cuter....whamo. You and Jon really have made some gorgeous kids but the best part is you've RAISED them well and it shows :)
Love ya
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