I'm old. I have a SEVEN-YEAR-OLD child. My eldest child is such a joy. She is kind, compassionate, joyful, smart, beautiful. She loves Jesus and she loves people. She has always been the most gregarious, social child. My mom used to worry (haha what else is new?) that she'd get kidnapped because she literally does not know a stranger. She's the kid that introduces shy kids around and gently "buddies up" with the ones who don't have friends. Sometimes I can't believe she's mine!
Just wanted to share some pics of her...newborn, growing, and now.
Thanks for sharing!

About 15 minutes old

Baby feet (Grammy's finger)

Baby bath (about 3 months old)

Cheerio baby (about 9 months old)

Announcing Micah (about 13 months old)

With new brother (21 months old)

Her J-Lo "babing suit" (2 1/2)

This child has ALWAYS been able to fall asleep eating.

With baby Abbie

Pre-school graduation

Spring 2008

Mommy's birthday, 2008


Very pensive

School pictures, spring 2008

T-ball pictures, spring 2008

Soccer, fall 2008

Jack-0-lantern, 2008

Hermione Granger, Crookshanks, and Harry Potter, 2008

The Harry Potter Crew, plus Laura Ingalls and a purple dinosaur

Katie's Dr. Seuss birthday cake, by Nana

Katie's breakfast in bed

Sharing with her brother and sister

Opening her present from Grammy and Popah

My big girl!
\Isn't she beautiful!?!

Pink shoes (bought with "my own money"...from Nana and Grandad).
nana's heartbeat ~~~~
Can't believe it's SEVEN years! Seems like only yesterday we were standing outside the glass, watching Jon carry that little pink bundle. What a beautiful girl she is, inside and out. We love her so much. It looks like she had a fun birthday, thanks for sharing.
- Grammy
Man, do I love that kid! Happy birthday, Katie Beth! I'm so glad you were born SEVEN years ago. I couldn't be prouder to be your tia!
Happy Birthday Katie - a day late
wow... i'm feeling old.
And I have to mention the Dr Seuss cake is fabulous...and I am almost 34 and I don't think I've ever had breakfast in bed, except in the hospital, but I don't think that counts... :)
Happy Birthday Katie. Can't wait to see you again.
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